Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reception Halls

So Sunday I pretty much found out I either have to change reception halls or not do a sit down dinner, which in my family is not right. So I've been calling around and seeing if anything is available. The Knights of Columbus hall that I liked is booked, so there goes that one, then when I was driving home from the gym I drove right by another Knights of Columbus hall and never thought of this one. This one looks newly built and is kind of hidden from general public, So lets pray that this one is not booked. Hopefully I will get it and be able to decorate the hall the way I want to. I was wanting to put paper lanterns all over. So as of right now the reception location is up in the air. The only good thing is if I do decide to change locations I will receive a full refund from the location I have booked right now. Wich me luck!

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